Bad Guy RW's Good Songs

Saturday, June 02, 2007

Sensitive day comes, many sites blocked!

These days I found that my web browsing is very slow, and many web pages can't opened. I thought maybe IE7.0 have some problem, so I uninstalled it and re-installed, but the problem didn't solved and even worse.

Then suddenly I watched calendar on the wall this morning, well, I understand what's the real problem immediately, (5+1).(5-1), this special day is coming, of course our "great" GFW will block may website again and again these days.

Most of people in China don't know or don't believe what terrible things happened on that Chinese biggest square in front of Purple Forbidden City that day due to lack of information and news reporting, all contents about that day is forbidden, but it dosn't mean everybody forget that special day of (5+1).(5-1), who will remember it forever? the government!

Yeah, the government will try its best to block the truth and let people believe the mass*acre is right, especially the days around (5+1).(5-1). See? the security department will never forget what its government did on that day, even 18 years passed!

最近几天网速突然变得非常慢,而且很多平常可以正常浏览的网页现在都无法打开,Gmail, Blogger更不用说。一直查不出是什么原因,我甚至打电话到电信公司询问是不是电信线路出现了什么故障,当然没有得到满意的答复。于是逼不得已我干脆直接怀疑是系统和IE的问题,最近装了很多软件嘛,搞不好搞得系统有些崩了,于是决定重装系统和IE7.0, 谁知问题依旧,而且越来越严重,在昨晚甚至无法再连上线。



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