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Nice week in Beijing, now time back to Shenzhen...5:21 PM May 21st from web
Now pass by CCTV's new site, AKA "big crotch" or "big shorts", the subsidiary building which burnt before still not decorated, looks scary..5:23 AM May 19th from webBiz trip in Beijing...5:16 AM May 19th from webGFW--Great fucking wall, blocked, fuck that! Need proxy to write my blog from now on... very inconvenient...fuck China Telecom..10:54 AM May 16th from web@DanaBrunetti Aha, see Kevin's face at the end of this video. BTW, What happened between him & Edward Norton? Rarely see them together now..10:48 AM May 15th from web in reply to DanaBrunettiI'm following idol Kevin Spacey, and he has already 276,636 followers, jesus!9:35 AM May 15th from webWatched "Star Trek" tonight in theater, better than expected. My idol Simon Pegg looks old on 1080P HD big screen, bad skin & many wrinkles.9:32 AM May 15th from webEvery time try access, it shows "internal server error"... and my crap cellphone 山寨机 don't support java and http connect but only wap way...9:22 AM May 15th from webDid China Mobile block I can't use it on cellphone for 2 weeks, crap! The first time I find that is on my birthday, fuck!9:14 AM May 15th from web...the lucky economy and the not-that-lucky development?...10:40 PM May 2nd from weband the rest in village are mostly elderly people with infants and young children... many farmlands are left uncultivated...10:35 PM May 2nd from webBut low level of education is more generally, kids drop out of school & go to big cities to earn money when they over that “child labor” age10:32 PM May 2nd from webThere are big bowls at roofs to receive worldwide free Satellite TV signals. Refrigerators & washing machines are also available in families10:24 PM May 2nd from webMost of families build their own two-storey house, pump & solar water heater installed at many roofs, supply hot or cold water at anytime..10:14 PM May 2nd from webDuring this vacation I found that my homeland is indeed a great change..10:06 PM May 2nd from a cold...sleep in the train to Canton...4:32 AM May 1st from web Chinese on Fanfou:
对于我个人来说,可悲的是:无论城市怎么变迁,发展怎么迅速,似乎都与我无关。我并没有分享到改革开放前沿城市,曾经的特区的丁点儿成果...没车没房没老婆...当然,我说了,这只是我个人的悲哀... 2009-05-28 12:13 通过手机上网
刚路过岗厦,刚来深圳时在这里住过很长一段时间的这片贫民窟,即将成为一堆废墟,而这堆废墟很快会蜕变成城市中心的中心----CBD 2009-05-28 12:07 通过手机上网
一如所料,影片拍的稀烂,仅有几个老掉牙的笑点... 2009-05-27 21:17 通过手机上网
靠,看3D月球冒险80元观礼券还要另加30大洋,逼着我看只值30块票价的博物馆。变形金刚2上映前再也不上电影院了,特别是这家破新南国影城... 2009-05-27 19:28 通过手机上网
大老远的来影院,居然就俩片:博物馆奇妙夜2和月球大冒险,啥市道,郁闷。 2009-05-27 19:09 通过手机上网
北京温差真大...下了一会儿雨就冷飕飕的...千万别感冒...否则明儿去机场准被隔离...北京已确认第二例猪流感... 2009-05-21 18:36 通过手机上网
第一支股票以半日即跌停告终...而且位居跌副榜前十...运气背到这个份儿上... 2009-05-21 18:32 通过手机上网
今早买下人生第一支股票:ST白猫... 2009-05-21 12:20 通过手机上网
几乎绕后海转了半圈,又来到九门小吃坐定... 后海真是个好地方,我说的是除酒吧聚集处之外的其他幽静之地... 2009-05-20 19:20 通过手机上网
正行走在央视新址大裤衩下面,被烧过的附楼未经任何修饰,黑呼呼的矗立在那里,看起来很吓人,感觉怪怪的... 2009-05-19 18:09 通过手机上网
深圳卫视的广告都做到北京地铁里了,列车扶手上到处都是... 2009-05-19 17:51 通过手机上网
土冒儿了,南锣鼓巷,不是古巷... 2009-05-18 20:32 通过手机上网
中戏旁边的南锣古巷,也许是夜晚的关系,灰常灰常棒。临近后海,却比后海更有感觉。很多条别致的胡同儿,够逛上一个礼拜的了... 2009-05-18 20:25 通过手机上网
一大早,正赶往机场去北京... 2009-05-18 06:21 通过手机上网
GFW--Great fucking wall封锁了,靠,从此需要翻墙写博客了,很不方便,该死的中国电信及其他几个电信公司…… 2009-05-17 01:57 通过网页
刚看完“星际迷航”,推荐到影院观赏,比我预期的好很多,特技很棒... 2009-05-15 22:14 通过手机上网
一直没时间没心情,今天出来发现“南京!南京!”都已经快下画了。影厅都排给了“星际迷航”,只好将就啦,还好有偶像Simon Pegg参演。唉,白花钱,家里硬盘昨晚下载现成的都没看... 2009-05-15 19:50 通过手机上网
不知道是不是中国移动把twitter移动版封锁了,连续两周无法在手机上使用,一登陆就提示“内部服务器错误”。相当郁闷... 2009-05-15 18:58 通过手机上网
地铁上,前往中信,用掉快过期的电影票... 2009-05-15 18:53 通过手机上网
今天生日,在Coco Park的民间瓦罐吃完饭,现在在附近的星河酒吧一条街饮酒... 满月的夜晚,挺有感觉... 2009-05-08 21:38 通过手机上网
香港佬胡编乱造拍出来的“七龙珠:全新进化”实在是让人气愤。为了唤起高中时对漫画的记忆,最近几天连续在网上追看20周年特别纪念版“龙珠改”和回看20年前的百集动画长片“七龙珠”,这才是经典嘛。2009-05-05 22:32 通过网页.分享
《杨恒均的网站 » Blog Archive » 给留学生的一封信:请你们继续爱国!》:陈年旧事,再提只因精辟… 2009-05-05 21:03 通过饭否分享.
@杨恒均 我晕,偷渡美国真得可行么?我倒想。偶从小思想就极度西化(当然某些人也会把它叫着崇洋媚外),还想要个混血儿咧。可惜没钱去,更没政治资本,郁闷..2009-05-05 19:01 通过手机上网 给杨恒均的回复
@杨恒均 杨总,请问一下,以你的游学经历,澳洲读书多少钱够用?我想去攻读MBA或两年制商科硕士,但现在只有约RMB八万存款,打算半工半读,请问可行吗? 2009-05-05 18:49 通过手机上网 给杨恒均的回复.
窗前坐着。黄昏时坐在火车窗前的感觉极好,吹着冷风,看着路边快速移动的风景,思绪会不由自主的飘得很远..2009-05-01 19:27 通过手机上网....
经济的幸运与发展的悲哀...2009-05-01 19:22 通过手机上网.
这些天回老家休假,发现家乡变化确实很大。很多家庭冰箱洗衣机齐备,都是二层小洋楼,楼顶装着太阳能,冷热水随时供应,大锅收遍全球免费卫视,只是村里受教育程度普遍趋低,只要过了不算童工的年龄很多都辍学打工去了,剩下的大部分都是老年人带着婴幼儿..2009-05-01 19:18 通过手机上网.
下着雨,有些发烧,睡在开往广州东的火车上...2009-05-01 18:56 通过手机上网