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English on Twitter:- It's the first time China raise half flag for populace. We initiated a movement to demand it days before. Big success. 03:16 PM May 19, 2008 from web
- State Department decided the whole nation will grieve over earthquake victims from May 19 to 21 & raise the half flag. 03:07 PM May 19, 2008 from web
Chinese on Fanfou:
- 刚才哀乐响起,全公司起立默哀三分钟,外面汽车的鸣笛声此起彼伏,这是举国悲恸的时刻。2008-05-19 14:42 通过手机上网
- 昨晚国务院公告5月19号至21号为全国哀悼日,停止一切娱乐活动,全国及各住外机构降半旗至哀。这是中国第一次为平民灾难降半旗,可入史册。之前我们在豆瓣发起大规模要求降半旗的签名活动,国务院的公告宽慰了很多人,也是政治的巨大进步。2008-05-19 14:34 通过手机上网
English on Twitter:- In my hometown Hubei province, people there felt it too with heavy hailstone, bad weather. 09:23 PM May 12, 2008 from im
- 7.5 magnitude earthquake hits Wenchuan city, China Sichuan province this afternoon, half China can feel the tremors. 09:20 PM May 12, 2008 from im
- Over time work to draw category layout graph, i'm starving now, so go down stairs to have supper. 07:47 PM May 12, 2008 from web
Chinese on Fanfou:
- 今天下午四川汶川发生7.8级地震,半个中国有震感。打电话回家,湖北有强烈震感并伴有冰雹,真是个灾年。 2008-05-12 21:25 通过 GTalk
- 加班画陈列图,快饿晕了,快速下楼,现在在餐厅等饭菜上桌。 2008-05-12 19:40 通过手机上网