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English on Twitter:- Today is my solar birthday, and olympic torch is handing on in the city, no bus to take because main road is blocked. 06:34 PM May 08, 2008 from web
- Mango is ripe, hang the bough with green&yellow color. This's a strange city, choose mango as the main road sight tree. 08:23 AM May 05, 2008 from web
Chinese on Fanfou:- 又到周末双休日了,可以好好调整一下疲惫的身躯和紧绷的神经。压力很大,完成30岁前税后年薪15万的目标现在看来还有很大难度,加油。2008-05-09 19:01 通过手机上网
- 今天是自己阳历生日,火炬来深传递,好在因为珠峰登顶的关系从早上8点推迟到中午12点举行,否则因为封路一早上班就没车坐了。2008-05-08 18:12 通过手机上网
- 深南大道两边的芒果快成熟了,青青黄黄的挂满枝头。一直搞不懂这个城市为何会选择芒果树作为主要道路的景观树。2008-05-05 08:07 通过手机上网
English on Twitter:- Lated news: our company takes over Wrigley, this's a perfect merge. But the stock premium rate is too high by the way. 02:17 PM May 03, 2008 from web
- Happy lunar birthday to myself! 02:49 PM April 29, 2008 from mobile web
- 30 is such an important doorsill, means more responsibilities, obligations and pressure, but I'm not ready, still too babyish to afford it. 12:05 AM April 29, 2008 from im
- Mom just call me to tell tomorrow is my 28-year-old lunar birthday. I totally forget it & don't wanna it at all, hate to be so old so quick. 11:44 PM April 28, 2008 from im
Chinese on Fanfou:- 劲爆:我们公司收购了箭牌百分百股权,箭牌成了我们的全资子公司啦。强强联手,完美的并购,虽然溢价太多。2008-05-03 14:02 通过手机上网
- 祝自己28岁生日快乐!今天请假为户口奔波,因为不负责任的学校把我搞成了黑户,又叫口袋户口,来来回回在户口上花的冤枉钱快两万了。2008-04-29 14:45 通过手机上网
- 刚刚老妈打来电话,告诉我明天是我28岁的农历生日,让我一个人在外注意身体吃好穿好。我则已经完全忘记了我的生日。现在非常不愿意过生日,越来越近30,实在不想这么快跨过这个重要的年龄的门槛,迈入下一个人生阶段。不想长大……不想成熟……不想承担越来越多的责任……压力已很大,肩膀还稚嫩。2008-04-28 23:32 通过 GTalk
English on Twitter:- Boycott Carrefour spreads nationalwide at weekend, but I'm lack of money ¥5000 to buy Hukou & ¥5000 to learn driving car 08:00 AM April 22, 2008 from web
Chinese on Fanfou:- 全国抵制家乐福在周末轰轰闹闹的开展,我却要为钱发愁。转户口要RMB5000,学车RMB5000,读RMB60000,压得我喘不过气儿来,为了以后的发展,又不得不花,有些太冤比如户口,生活在自己的国土上,还要买居民身份。谁能借我钱啊?谢谢啦!2008-04-21 19:35 通过手机上网