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English on Twitter:- Mother fucker! Can't logon now! Is it blocked by the fucking GFW? or other reason? 10:00 PM April 20, 2008 from im
- Typhoon of coon will comes this weekend, now big wind starts blowing. It will be a heavy rainy night, good for sleeping. 07:29 PM April 18, 2008 from web
- OMG, news freedom really comes now in Mainland China? Now I can logon Wikipedia and many other sites which always be blocked before. 10:17 PM April 17, 2008 from im
- Good news: Pidgin launched latest version 2.4.1, and China now can access Google's blogspot website without using proxy today. 08:38 PM April 16, 2008 from im
- I'm in pain. I have to eat, but always have attack of diarrhea after eat, painful. 07:25 PM April 16, 2008 from web
- Use 2Mbps bandwidth network last weekend, expensive but fast, so my laptop can run GoogleEarth & Joost now, I'm poor:( 07:30 PM April 14, 2008 from web
Chinese on Fanfou:- 靠!我真的忍不住要骂人了,wallop无法登录,怎么弄都打不开,难道wallop也会被GFW 封锁吗?虽然未经证实,但这是我的第一意识,因为实在想不出还有什么原因会导致wallop主页打不开。我辛辛苦苦在上面更新的图片和博客啊,以后又要多一个用代理才能上的网站了吗?2008-04-20 22:09 通过网页
- 浣熊号台风周末即将来袭,刚下班,风很大,山雨欲来风满楼哇。2008-04-18 19:20 通过手机上网
- OMG!新闻自由真的来的么?我震惊了,先后发现Google的blogspot和Wikipedia都可以不用代理正常登录了,我的天,我简直是喜出望外外加对政府对电信局对中宣部的超级感动。如果这是奥运火炬传递的后续效应,那么让这股效应来的更猛些吧!2008-04-17 22:39 通过网页
- 不知是不是奥运圣火传递的影响,仿佛加速了国内新闻自由进程,奇迹,今天不用代理服务器也能正常访问Google的blogspot了。另外有好消息:Pidgin发布了最新2.4.1版本。2008-04-16 20:45 通过 GTalk
- 最近肠胃很糟,老是拉肚子,即使每顿喝稀饭都照拉不误,估计是慢性肠炎,工作忙压力又大,又没法好好调养。2008-04-16 18:40 通过手机上网
- 新装了2M的天威宽带,贵是贵了点,不过用着就是爽啊。以往因为网速没法用的Google earth和Joost,现在可以经常玩啦,爽。2008-04-14 19:09 通过手机上网
English on Twitter:- Finish read the book "Brother" writted by Yu Hua at 2:00am last night, then can't sleep, the end makes me feel so upset. 10:45 AM April 12, 2008 from web
- OTW! OTW!! OTW!!! Always over time work, and, get nothing! 07:32 PM April 09, 2008 from web
- I feel like zombie, don't know what to do when come home at night, so open laptop, lie on bed, listen Justin & Britney.. 09:56 PM April 07, 2008 from web
Chinese on Fanfou:- 昨晚不知不觉在零晨两点钟看完“兄弟”,余华为全书安排这样一个结局让我前思后想了很久一直睡不着,非常郁闷。恶不恶报,善无善终,一个个躯壳里,都空无一物。2008-04-12 10:36 通过手机上网
- 加班!加班!!加班!!!2008-04-09 19:28 通过手机上网
- 这几天都心神不定的,很空虚,上班下班,除此之外不知道要干什么,晚上回窝打开笔记本,愣了半天不知道干嘛,于是开了播放器和音响,睡在床上听了一晚上贾斯丁和布兰妮的歌,这一对曾经的金童玉女,如今细细听来,仍让人唏嘘不已...2008-04-07 21:29 通过手机上网
English on Twitter:- Study at part-time school to prepare the MBA entry exam. Then can get high position & salary & can retire at age of 45. 01:26 PM April 05, 2008 from web
- God damned Gotone brand of f**king China Mobile, I have to pay RMB200 extra fees per month & can't cancel it in a year. 12:38 PM April 04, 2008 from web
Chinese on Fanfou:- 下午去上课了,为考MBA做准备,学费太贵,高等数学知识也丢光了,从头出发,追求高学位高薪高职,然后在45岁退休,去周游列国,爱睡睡爱醒醒,等快老死时花光所有积蓄,就是我理想的生活状态了。2008-04-05 12:46 通过手机上网
- 该死的中国移动全球通霸王条款,含糊不清的套餐条款害我每月要多付两百多元,一年内还不准取消。2008-04-04 12:28 通过手机上网
English on Twitter:- Finally find an apartment to live, RMB¥1200/month, it's nearly my one week salary. I will move there tomorrow afternoon. 11:18 PM March 27, 2008 from web
- Happy Easter Day, twitters! 12:17 AM March 24, 2008 from web
Chinese on Fanfou:- 好不容易找到房子了,破旧的单身公寓,还没有防盗门,月租1200大洋,心疼。明天下午请车挪窝,比较心烦,正如一个同事讲的:没有固定住所就很难有安全感,在这点上估计男女都一样。居无定所,飘浮不定,则心慌慌兮。租房,何时是个尽头?2008-03-27 23:01 通过手机上网
- 祝诸位饭否复活节快乐!2008-03-24 00:20 通过手机上网
English on Twitter:- Change a job means change a house, but this city's rent money is so fucking unbelievable expensive, i can't find one. 08:07 AM March 20, 2008 from web
- Hold ur own,Tibet! Watching terrible news on TVB Pearl&Jade. Political sensitive, don't wanna talk too much. People who live there, careful! 11:25 PM March 18, 2008 from im
- Send my resignation letter to HR today, feel so bad and confused. Don't know it's right or wrong to leave this company. 12:30 AM March 18, 2008 from web
Chinese on Fanfou:- 辞职就意味着要换房,今天找了一天的房子脚都肿了也没找到。他妈的深圳的房租已经贵得离谱了。唯一的途径就是高薪。所以要积累经验和学识,全力向高薪高职发起冲刺!2008-03-19 20:37 通过手机上网
- 挺住!西藏!在无线翡翠台、明珠台以及ABC、FOX分别看到残酷的实况录像,心痛。尽管是奢望,也希望民族和解。政治敏感,多说无益,默默的深切关注。2008-03-18 22:23 通过 GTalk
- 今天递交了辞呈,心痛。我也不知是什么迷了心窍,要离开这家有着很好口碑的外企,去追求另一个虚无飘渺的光环。反正心里很不是滋味,不舍,以及对未知前途的些许恐惧。2008-03-17 19:06 通过手机上网
English on Twitter:- At home now. When flight feel city is small nothing need to worry; When drive feel city is big have to worry everything. 12:55 AM March 16, 2008 from web
- Now boarding at Shanghai Hongqiao airport departing to Shenzhen. 07:58 PM March 15, 2008 from web
- The fifth night in Shanghai, rain. Don't wanna go outside, so call for supper at hotel room and watch tv untill now. 10:45 PM March 13, 2008 from web
- Now I arrived at Lujiazui finance center of Pudong district, not as good as pictures I watched. It's shucks actually. 09:19 PM March 12, 2008 from web
- Now have a walk in Shanghai Xin Tiandi, a famous european style place. The bar and architecture here are so fantastic. 08:20 PM March 12, 2008 from web
Chinese on Fanfou:- 回窝了。在飞机上俯视下面灯红酒绿有如火山爆发的城市,总觉得人是那么渺小,仿佛一切的纷争都是无关紧要的;当飞机落地双脚踏上混凝土,一些琐事烦恼便霎时涌上心头。非常奇怪的感觉。人,注定无法摆脱俗世的束缚。2008-03-16 00:27 通过手机上网
- 正在上海虹桥机场候机,估计晚点了。2008-03-15 19:54 通过手机上网
- 来上海的第五个晚上,下着小雨,没心情出去,于是叫了外卖到客房,郁闷的看着电视到现在。2008-03-13 22:30 通过手机上网
- 在人民广场转2号线到陆家嘴,期待看到传说中繁华的浦东胜景,不料期望越大果然失望越大,不知是不是黄浦江两岸都没开启景观灯的缘故,感觉还不如深圳罗湖的地王商圈和福田的中心区商圈壮观。不爽,等周末晚上开灯后,再来欣赏上海滩。2008-03-12 21:02 通过手机上网
- 正在上海新天地闲逛,小资气氛果然浓厚,建筑也很有特色。2008-03-12 20:08 通过手机上网